Virtual Volunteering. WHAT it is and WHY it's so important to harness the power of remote help!
for causes
for volunteers
14 Apr 2021
Virtual Volunteering: Adapt and Thrive as forgood Causes!
Virtual volunteering refers to volunteers who complete tasks off-site using the Internet and various devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones. In today's world, it's crucial for Causes to leverage the skills of volunteers who can contribute from the comfort of their homes or offices.
Many corporates using forgood for their employee volunteering programs are focusing on virtual opportunities. Causes need to adapt their strategies to include activities that can be done without physical contact. Here are some innovative ideas that can be translated into "Needs" on your forgood profile. For most activities, you can ask for volunteers to help with planning beforehand and also to assist on the day of the event as an example, so load two separate needs to ensure you get all the support you require.

1. Job or Hobby Video Recordings
Ask people to record videos of their jobs or hobbies to inspire young learners.
2. Online Brainstorming Sessions
Arrange sessions to tackle specific organizational or project problems. Seek expert advice to find solutions.
3. Online Reading Sessions for Children
Host reading sessions online, ensuring you have data and a stable internet connection. You can request data donations as a separate Goods Need.
4. Online Quizzes
Organize online quizzes, involving volunteers for planning and as event hosts. This engaging activity supports your Cause while providing fun for participants.
5. Virtual Concerts
Host live or pre-recorded virtual concerts to entertain and engage your audience.
6. Online Exercise Classes
Conduct fitness classes with the help of fitness experts. These sessions can also be fundraisers if you charge a small fee.
7. Virtual Book Clubs
Start a book club online to bring together book enthusiasts and support your Cause.
8. Webinars
Conduct webinars on topics of interest, inviting volunteers to learn and understand your Cause better.
7. Virtual Races or Bikeathons
Organize virtual races or bikeathons as excellent fundraising opportunities.
8. Virtual Awards Ceremony
Celebrate your beneficiaries or graduates with a virtual awards ceremony. Involve a volunteer to act as the Zoom "MC" and create a lively atmosphere.
9. Virtual Tutoring
Provide virtual tutoring sessions to improve school results, utilizing platforms like WhatsApp for effective mentoring.
10. Virtual Mentoring
Offer mentoring support for your organization’s leadership or beneficiaries, tapping into the expertise of experienced volunteers.
11. Donating Food Vouchers
Encourage donations of food vouchers for easy and safe distribution. If applicable, use forgood Money Donations for additional support.
12. Online Petitions
- Mobilize volunteers to complete online petitions to drive change and support your Cause.
By embracing these virtual volunteering opportunities, your Cause can continue to make a significant impact.
Add these type of needs to your forgood profile to connect with volunteers and donors ready to support you!